Wednesday, June 24, 2009

June Update!

I know I know it has been awhile. What can I say I'm new at this. It has been almost a month from the last update and I trying to think of everything that has happened. We went to the Meijer Gardens one last time with the free membership from the Children's Museum. Tanner has so much fun there I would really like to get a membership before the summer ends! Tanner, also had his dance recital and it was so cute. We are so proud of him! Let's see what else have we been up too... Oh we went to the circus in Hastings that was a learning experience. Wow what can I say. Although, Tanner was happy that he got to ride on an elephant!! Thank You Great Grandma it was a great night. This really does sum up the last month for us which seems so nice. Most of the time we are so busy it is crazy! Ahhhh summer vacation is great! Well, today is Jonathan's Birthday so Happy Birthday to him. And on a side note I will work on keep this more updated again.

Tanner playing dress-up at the Gardens
Tanner and his cookies!

Tanner and Aunt Katie! They both did a great job!

Uncle Tyler, Tanner and Uncle Cam at the races!!!

Tanner and Papa Scott

Daddy Built Tanner a ramp...

A Ride on an elephant!

Tanner got Derek in the water!

WOW that water is cold!

Our little sparkler!

Playing with Uncle Cam on Father's Day

Tanner having Fun!